COVID-19 Tenant Letter

Dear Tenant(s),

We hope that you are staying safe and healthy during this difficult time. We know that the measures our city is taking to slow the spread of COVID-19 have had large impacts on everyone in so many different aspects of life. We want to reassure you that all of us at Seattle’s Property Management are here for you and will do everything we can to assist you in the coming months. Below is information regarding our office staffing, paying rent and what we are doing to keep everyone safe and healthy.

Office and Staffing Procedure

For the health and safety of our employees and tenants, our office will not be allowing walk-in visitors until further notice. Our office staff are is available to assist you remotely via email or phone.

Rent Payments

We will be working with tenants who are unable to pay rent and will not charge late fees, serve any Pay or Vacate Notices or pursue any evictions for at least April and May. We will work with you, with input from the property owner, to make payment plans for any rent owing during these difficult times. If you can pay your rent (even a partial payment) please continue to do so.

Please email us if you are unable to pay rent or if you can only pay a portion so that we can plan with the property owner for managing their finances. Please use the drop slot at the front of the office to drop off checks, as we are no longer allowing walk -ins. If you need a receipt, please email us and we will send you one. If you have not already set up an online portal for paying rent and would like to do so, please let us know. A reminder if you use the online rent payment option and have an auto-payment set up, you will need to edit that to reflect a partial we can’t do this on our end.


We are using extreme caution while handling maintenance issues that arise during this COVID-19 epidemic. Our maintenance staff is still fully operating while taking every precaution to limit contact within your homes. If you have had any exposure or are displaying any symptoms, please contact us right away so that we can cancel your appointment. Our maintenance staff are also closely monitoring their health regularly and we will notify tenants immediately if we need to cancel appointments. We understand that most tenants will be home during maintenance appointments. To comply with social distancing techniques and to ensure minimal or no contact, maintenance will bring a key to all appointments, after knocking and getting permission from you, they will enter. We are requesting that tenants remain in a separate room from where maintenance is being performed. This will help to minimize any contact for our staff and for you. We thank you in advance for your cooperation and patience as we navigate through these challenging times.

Reporting COVID-19 Diagnosis

It’s our hope that all tenants are staying safe and healthy! If you do test positive for COVID-19, please notify our staff immediately so we may take necessary actions. This report will remain completely anonymous and confidential. We appreciate your assistance to help stop the spread of COVID-19.

You can contact with any questions. Stay safe and healthy - SPM TEAM